Back Bone is a brand that designs and manufactures a wide range of products primarily for paramotoring and adapted flying.
The paramotor is an aircraft in the category of aerodynes. It belongs to class 1 of the ULM (Ultra-Light Motorized) category, which includes six classes. It consists of a paraglider wing and a lightweight engine integrated into a protective frame that is worn on the pilot’s back or in the form of a cart. A propeller provides the necessary thrust.
ULM stands for Ultra-Light Motorized.

Since 1993, Thierry Simonet, a parachutist and paraglider since 1984, has been working on the concept of a simple, lightweight, high-performance paramotor that can be transported in the trunk of a car or in the hold of an airplane.
Back Bone was born. This company has become an expert in manufacturing paramotor carts with an unmatched weight-to-strength ratio by using aluminum (7020) and aerospace-grade steel (4130), known for its lightweight properties.
This is how its founder collaborated with the Handicare section of the FFVL (French Federation of Free Flight) to develop a flight chair for people with reduced mobility.
For the past 17 years, Thierry Simonet has been attentive to users, continuously adding improvements and additional features to the flight chairs.

The Handivol flight chair is made of aerospace-grade steel (4130) to provide strength and lightweight properties.

How much does a flight chair cost?

The price of a flight chair is €4,190.00 including tax for the version without brakes and €4,820.00 including tax for the version with brakes.

The brakes allow for steering, and the locking system enables a parking brake.
Back Bone offers two additional options to enhance the comfort of both the passenger and the pilot.

Neoprene protection for better leg support and thermal insulation: €392.

Rear footrest for the tandem pilot: €122.
How much does the rest of the tandem equipment cost?
First, the wing needs to be replaced approximately every 300-500 hours.
The lifespan of a wing can vary significantly, primarily depending on the number of takeoffs and the type of surface. Takeoffs on grass or carpet are much less abrasive than takeoffs on sand, snow, or rocky areas. Near the sea, the lifespan of a wing is reduced by half.

Then there are the harnesses, straps, and carabiners, which need to be replaced every 5 years or after 500 hours of use.
The pilot’s harness contains the reserve parachute, which is the only component that has a lifespan of 10 years.

In total, approximately €13,000 is needed for a complete flight chair. Additional accessories can also be added to this amount, such as helmets, transport bags, cameras for memories, etc.
We need your help!
To be able to fly our first passengers through our association, we are appealing to your generosity.
Below, we share the link to the fundraising campaign to contribute to the purchase of the flight chair.
Please note that if you contribute €80, you will have the opportunity to experience a flight with us, whether you are a person with reduced mobility or not. Alternatively, you can gift this flight to someone in your circle.
You can contribute according to your financial capacity. Thank you immensely in advance for helping us start this experience together!